The parking module allows simple capacity control for multiple parking lots. Cars belonging to a company are granted access, as longas the company allocated spaces are not fully occupied. each parking zone,a conter
displays the number of available lots in real time.Vehicles move ments within each parking zone can be followed in a dedicated screen. Predefined process responses can be triggered when maximum capacity is reached.
The lift module controls access to specific floors. The card holder presents his badge to the reader mounted inside the lift cabin. Only the floor buttons corresponding to the user profile will be activated. The lift program defines the combination of floor buttons available to a user group in the different lifts of the site.
Each lift controller can manage up to 64 different floors. in the case of buildings shared by different companies each person lift program only enables the selection of the floors allocated to his company and of those leading to the common areas (entrance, parking, restaurant, etc.)
This module checks that authorised employees, the guards, reach a circult of predefined checkpoints within specific deadlines. The arrival at a control point is notifled via badge reading or input activation.
If the arrival at a checkpoint has not been validated on time, the system will automatically trigger predefined processes, informing the security personnel. The patrol status is available in realtime in the log, in the reports and in a dedicated screen.
Personalised badges are easily created,designed,modifled and printed on a badge printer,with Amadeus 5. The professional tool Active Reportⓡassists the user in moving or adding fields, changing the back-ground colour, inserting logos and pictures, etc.
Several masks of personalised badges can be saved simultaneously for the same database.
The user-friendly report wizard allows the creation and modiflca-tion of personalised reports. The report wizard guides the users step by step through the selection of reports and data, to the data visualisation, filtering and organisation. Modification possibilities are multiple and adapted to the novice, as well as to the confirmed user.
Reports are compiled from any other information included in the database(parameter, event or module). Reports are generated in the language of the application. They can be consulted on screen, designed, printed or exported.
This featre allows the import of new card holders and the modiflcation of existing holders, originating
from external databases which are usually managed by the human resources department.
Amadeus 5 data can be synchronised automatically with the external database.
Amadeus 5 simplifies the import of information by filtering in an intelligent way only the portion of the database relevant
for the purpose of access control.
A SQL query can define the fields to import from the external database, even when the
corresponding fields labels differ between the two cardholders databases.To ease the import two filters or databases profiles(HrAccess and HrExcel) are provided.
Experienced users can create new import profiles by drawing up DSN (Data Source Name) from the automatic ODBC wizard.
All table formats are easily adapted to Amadeus 5.
The software uses the standard tool ODBC(Open DataBase Connectivity), so that all databases compatible with ODBC(MS-SQL, Oracle, MS-Access,
MS-Excel, CVS format...) are easily transferred to Amadeus 5.
In addition Amadeus 5 can create, modify and delete card holders via a web interface by receiving
a HTTP command from an external application.
This module offers support to MS SQL power, flexibility and robustness to larger applications in terms of card holders,
doors secured and workstations, opening possibilities by far superior to the capacity of the default access database of Amadeus 5.
Applications for multi-sites and for multi-server, with several layers of redundancies built into,
require the Amadeus 5 SQL module and MS-SQL server software.
Amadeus 5 is compatible with MS-SQL, up to MS-SQL 2012.
Possible replication of SQL databases enables the definition of backup Amadeus 5 server.
The module for license Plate Recognition (LPR) is also called Automatic number plate recognition module(ANPR).
Amadeus 5 considers the vehicle's license plate number as an additional badge.
When a car is detected, the ANPR camera acts as a standard Wiegand reader.
It reads the plate and converts the plate number into a Wiegand code, resulting from an internal calculation
made by both the camera and Amadeus 5.
This code is then sent to the relevant DDS controller which manages the car plate number in the same way as a card.
This module answers the needs of large corporations.
Each site is managed individually, while at the same time, centralised supervision of the access control system is easily implemented.
The autonomy of the sites is ensured.
Each site runs its own separate security system;it is managed and polled independently,communicates with its own controllers,
and operates with or without communicatiom with the central server.
The central database continuously updates the database of each site independently.
When a site modifles its database, the central server is automatically informed of the changes.
Only the relevant parts of the database are replicated at each site.
After communication failure, the system is able to update the database changes that had occurred during the system breakdown.
In bulldings shared by different companies, one common security system can serve the needs of several entities.
The central database gathers data of all the companies while each company works in an independent way.
When a user enters the system, he will only be able to create, view or modify the section of the database
(card holders, controllers, etc.) relating to his own company, without influence on other entitles'data
No user will be able to consult or impact other entities data, unless he has been attributed the proper authorisation.
Serveral users can work simultaneously on several workstations with this module.
Each user receives the appropriate authorisations allowing conducting his specific tasks.
Amadeus 5 uses the software developed by Spread Concepts LLC for use in the Spreadⓒ toolkit. (For more information about spread see