The alarm module is intended for alarms and intrusion management. It allows the arming / disarming of
alarms and alarm zones, according to weekly programs or manually. Creation of actions, processes and global
reflexes are easily implemented via this module.
In addition, Galaxy alarm panels of Honeywell are integrated within the Amadeus 5 software.
Alarm zones
All the inputs linked to the protection devices of a specific zone (detectors of movement, doors and windows opening, etc.)
are gathered in a zone. This zone can be armed or disarmed according to time zones or through a single command.
The system can trigger automatic sophisticated reactions ('reflex') in answer to specific circumstances (access, alarm or scheduled event).
Network reflexes can exist even without communication intervention. The wide range of responses includes e-mails sending,
reports printing, videos viewing or recording, sounds playing, databases saving, screens opening, zones arming, counters increment,
outputs activation, etc.
– Transmission of alarms or other system reactions though triggering of network reflex with or without PC intervention.
– The 'call for badge' signals the imminence of an arming operation to the users present in a zone they decide
if they prefer to vacate the zone immediately or to postpone the arming.
– The number of persons in a room will be counted up in order to signal the room emptiness or the excess of a maximal capacity.
This allows to automatically switching off lighting and air conditioning systems when the last person vacates a zone,
to arm the corresponding alarm zone when everybody has left the office.
– Keep track of the remaining credit on club cards, decrease the credit after each passage
and turn down access when the credit is nil.
– Signal the arrival of specific persons and turn on the light on their way.
– Display a message to the employees while they are badging.
With the user-friendly graphic module (G+), doors, alarm zones, outputs, etc., as well as processes, actions,
cameras, etc. are presented graphically on the various site maps.
A basic library of graphical symbols is provided with the module and other symbols can easily be created or imported.
Graphic module screens
– Symbol builder screen, for displaying, creating or importing graphical symbols, and allocating states of animations
– Position screen, for positioning the symbols on the maps, for linking the symbol to its appropriate component, for
panning zooming
– Active alarm screen, for supervising alarms and events in real time
The G+ module offers the expected capacities for sites requesting top edge security:
– The doors are shown in a dynamic way, with symbol updating according to door status
(open, closed, locked, in alarm, etc.).
– The alarm symbols are updated according the alarm status (in alarm, acknowledged, etc.).
– A "double-click" on any symbol defines the viewing of a camera stream or the triggering of an action or a process.
– Zooming in a map or skipping from one map to the next is easy; zoom by mouse drag is available.
– The graphical animated symbols show if zones or maps are under alarm or not, if the controllers communicate or not, etc.
* Network diagrams are automatically created, and can be modified by the users; they help diagnose the status
of the communication with the controllers, such as active, com error, etc.
* Search function enables users to find symbols on the maps.