To offer a layer of biometric security without compromising user convenience,
DDS offers a range of biometric readers based on Suprema© and IdentyTech© technology.
The integration provides an easy way for template management (enrolment and distribution) and reader configuration from Amadeus 5,
without need for external software. From the software point of view,
the management of fingerprints is similar to the management of other types of badges.
Optimised downloading of fingerprint information enables an extension of the capacity beyond the reader limit.
Indeed when downloading fingerprint information to the controllers, Amadeus 5 only sends the information
about card holders who can be granted access by the controller according to the access group.
The integration enables easy enrolment of fingerprints. Each cardholder template beholds two fingerprints.
EM-Marine and Mifare standards are supported by the readers.
DDS has integrated the following biometric readers from Suprema©:
– BioLite Net, a compact IP fingerprint terminal which fits on a mullion mount.
It is suitable for both indoor & outdoor use. It is ideal for application which requires basic user interaction.
– BioEntry Plus, a good indoor solution to any system requiring fingerprint technology
– BioEntry W, a robust high performance fingerprint access control device designed
to provide 3-way protection against dust, water and vandalism
– BioMini, an USB finger print scanner for PC enrolment Suprema is a leading biometrics company
offering core fingerprint technologies for PC and embedded applications. It provides fingerprint IP readers
for physical access control systems, USB readers for PC authentication and core fingerprint modules for
embedded applications. By combining world renowned biometric algorithms with superior engineering,
Suprema is able to continually develop and manufacture reliable industry leading products.
DDS has integrated the following biometric readers from IdentyTech©
– IDTWallmount, indoor/outdoor terminal rugged reader (IP65) with a full anti-vandal casing; it integrates Multi
Spectral Imaging (MSI) finger reader, the cutting edge of biometric authentication technologies, as well as smart cards,
scrambled CTP keypad and full audio.
– IDTAcces, incorporates precision Multi Spectral imaging Fingerprint technology.
Modular, it provides a price sensitive solution for small to medium access control deployments.
– Nano FP is designed for the most elegant environments. It incorporates Multi Spectral Imaging Finger Print technology.
– IDT Gate main board is a multipurpose embedded computing resource for full door control.
IdentyTech line of solutions incorporates precision fingerprint, Facial, Iris and Palm Vein.
Available in a modular manner, it offers interoperability and ease of use, integrating the industry's best performing cameras,
sensors and algorithms.